Wednesday, May 9, 2007

And he´s........SAFE!!!

Hey guys, I´m here in Barcelona. All in one piece. At least physically.

So I am worrrn out. We flew from Atlanta to Franfurt, where our new flight was an hour late, so we sat in the airport for 3 hours. THEN we got to come over to Barcelona, and I slept the entire way from Frankfurt to Barcelona.

Things on the ground have been good so far. Got a group of people to go out today. Started out small and ended up a decent size. We walked to Las Ramblas and had some Sangria. It´s now a first times tradtiion

Ok, well I´m fallin asleep at the keyboard over here. I´m gonna go grab some winks and get some stuff rollin.



Jennifer StClair said...

Glad you made it safely!!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

i'm so thrilled that you're having an unforgettable profound experience! despite i've been reading backwards i've really enjoyed reading your travel blog to the beginning of your trip. also, i dunno if i told you this but you're very articulate and write VERY well! it seems it runs in your family, too after reading their comments! (= anyway, i'll do my best to keep up with your travel blog! paint the towns of europe and take safe!

miss you! ::hugs::